Location: New York, New York, United States

Misfit. Renegade. Law Student.

Monday, January 03, 2005


I am quite pleased with myself. Three comments! From two nice fellow bloggers, Lucas and Kicknit! Joy! This thing's not so bad, silly me...

Last night, I and my friend J made up for our poor New Year's showings. You've heard my story in the previous post. J's story is that he went to the party I was to go to, with his sister and her friends. He apparently hung out for about two minutes, left to get beer and an egg salad sandwich, came back, and left alone about three minutes later for home. Time of departure? 11:45 pm. Meaning, he was in a cab instead of counting it down with our friends, the countdown being the climax of the whole ridiculousness that is the Eve. Hilarious.

So we and a few of our pallies went to a bar called Buster's Garage in Tribeca. It is the most misplaced hulk of a non-New York sports bar ever. It is huge and has many flat screen tv's and a nice bartender named Chas, who only too readily poured Jager shots everytime J. shakily raised his hand (which was often).

Needless to say, J. and I had a great deal of fun last night. Super.
In other news, I have a lot of free time on my hands as school doesn't start up again until the 10th. How shall I fill my time? Suggestions? I have a few ideas...

1)Start work on the 30-35 page beast of a research paper that I need to write in order to graduate from this crazy ass school;

2)Go to the MOMA;

3)Catch up with all of the non-law school friends that I routinely neglect like an ASSHOLE;

4)Get back into the groove of working out nearly everyday (which fell by the wayside around Thanksgiving- great timing that was...);

5)Reconfigure my living space to reflect my status as mature single person of sound mind and body, instead of the current setup, which makes me look like a psychotic junkie bachelor with an unhealthy love of applesauce (I have lots of little Mott's Applesauce cups in my fridge. I really like it a lot.)

We shall see how these few small goals end up. Totally doable, right?


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